⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 4 stars
Man in the Mirror by Entertainers is a touring tribute show and I had the pleasure of attending a performance at Churchill Theatre, Bromley. I don’t care much for the person but this show was an energetic and heartfelt tribute to Michael Jackson’s music, delivering a night of nostalgia, impressive performances, and undeniable talent. While I wasn’t sure what to expect compared to MJ the Musical, which I saw recently, this production proved to be an engaging and enjoyable celebration of Jackson’s iconic hits.
CJ Harrison, the lead performer, has clearly dedicated years to perfecting his Michael Jackson tribute, his talent, humility, and signature moves were outstanding. The dancers were equally impressive, showcasing their skills throughout the show and complementing the performance beautifully. The live band also deserves praise for creating an experience that elevated the overall production.
Certain moments stood out as real highlights. The Smooth Criminal lean forward was a definite crowd-pleaser, though it could have been even more impactful if the entire stage cast had participated. The performance of Beat It was another standout, as it’s one of my all-time favorite songs, and seeing it brought to life on stage was a real pleasure. The show’s conclusion was also powerful, with Earth Song delivering an emotional ending before Man in the Mirror provided a fitting encore.
However, a few elements could have been refined. The Dirty Diana segment included some random (but impressive) acrobatics that didn’t quite fit the song’s mood, making the choreography feel slightly disjointed. Additionally, during the Jackson 5 section, the use of Afro wigs on dancers felt culturally inappropriate and unnecessary - perhaps hiring black dancers or removing the wigs would be a better choice for future performances.
Overall, Man in the Mirror succeeded in its goal of celebrating Michael Jackson’s legacy. With a few adjustments, it could be even stronger, but as it stands, it’s a fun, inspiring, and entertaining tribute that any MJ fan would enjoy.
The Man in the Mirror production is currently touring the UK. Further details about dates and venues, pricing, and booking can be found using the link below: